Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Arranged marriage: Meeting the Boy(s)

No, it wasn't love at first sight. Our parents bonded much more than we did. When we were left to converse in the room alone no we didn't hit it off, there was an awkward silence.

I think I am getting ahead of myself, hmmmm....let me start from the beginning. It wasn't that I didn't want a love marriage I did. I wasn't a hardcore romantic but getting married to the guy of my dreams was certainly better than getting married to a stranger.

I wish I could say I fell in love and married that guy, I did fall in love..twice..but both the times my parents simply refused to get me married off to the (then) boy of my dream.

Proposals, after proposals, after proposals I kept rejecting, if I couldn't marry the guy I wanted then I wouldn't marry at all I argued.

Guy 1 : Thankfully the guy didn't want to get married for the next 2 years, and my parents refused to wait.

Guy 2 : The Guy was very well qualified but we found out he was an apt alcoholic

Guy 3: The family were total religious freaks, not that I am not religious, I am. Just not that much.

Guy 4 : Guy was extreamly shy, in a weird way.

Guy 5 : Wasn't Tall enough

Guy 6 : Not Qualified enough

etc., etc., etc.

Almost a year passed easily with me rejecting every guy in sight. Alas, I had to bend over in the end. Tension in the house was too much to handle and a very good proposal was at hand my parents wont take no for an answer.

In the end I didn't really agree but was rather told that they are going to say a 'yes' to the boy and his family. I didn't really have much to say, I did like the family a lot, the boy was ok, totally not love at first sight.

Roka, engagement, tilak all happened before it could sink in. I had meet the guy only once before the engagement and talked a bit on phone.

I know its 2012 but these things still happen. Sometimes you just don't have an option....

Things have changed a lot since engagement and I have slowly started to understand the positives and negatives of an arranged marriage. Would love to share it with other girls out there in similar situations....Stay tuned for more!


  1. Hey! Nice post on arrange marriages, I am going to say something and it may sound a bit strange but bare with me.. :) If you're not in head over heels in love with your future husband, then I am not sure if you should get married. You sound like a well-educated working girl then do what you want! you cannot go around pleasing everyone. Take your parents' advise but if does not convince you then do as you please. God gave us one life, then why think twice?!? Good luck! :)

    P.S. No offense to the guy you're marrying, i am sure he is very nice :)

    1. aaww thank you so much for your kind words! wait till the next post, its not as bad as it sounds :)
